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Patent Searching Myths

Should you do a patent search?  Could it be helpful or harmful? For big companies, patent searches are forbidden because of the liability.  But for startup companies, patent searches can help your due diligence prior to filing. Beware of doing a patent search with the unconscious bias against the prior art.  Far too many inventors…

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The Myth that the Patent Examiner is Awful

There is a huge myth that patent examiners are a lazy group of unionized government bureaucrats who are out to get you. The truth is that patent examiners – more likely than not – know more about a specific technology than anyone on earth. They spend their days searching, reading, and understanding a very narrow…

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Why get a patent? I cannot afford to enforce it.

Many entrepreneurs (sometimes with their investor’s approval) skip getting patents.  Many say that they do not have the $2M of dry powder to enforce their patents, so they just do not play the game. Patent enforcement insurance is ridiculously affordable, especially for startup companies.  Enforcement insurance means that you have pre-paid legal fees at your…

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Inventing Is Easy

What is the worst symbol for an invention?  It is the light bulb.  Edison did 1000 experiments to get to the light bulb.  It was a long, methodical, painful process – then the “light bulb” moment. Good invention – and good entrepreneurship – comes from the same methodical processes, not some flash of light. Come…

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